Between preaching at UGA and GA Tech football games, a weekend at the GA 500 Nascar race, assorted
concerts, and the Peachbowl, Street Preacher USA has had a busy year in 2003. We are happy to proclaim that
32 souls were led to the Lord,6 got baptized, and in all about half a million souls heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed. Special
thanks for the help from Bro. Dick Christensen, Bro. John Ducan, Revival USA, Bro. Trajan Breitbarth, and all of them other
street preachers standing up for the Lord!
Street Preacher USA went to Boston during the state hearings concerning gay marriage laws.
There were 5 brothers against at least 2,000 angry sodomites. We were joined in the battle by RUBEN Isreal from
LA, who is a veteran at these types of battles. It was good to have him with us.